Efekto Virikop

Reg. No. L0527 | Act No. 36 of 1947; N-AR 0146; W130195 | Act No. 18 of 1999

A wettable powder fungicide and bactericide with protective properties for the control of certain diseases on fruit, vegetables, flowers and ornamentals, as listed.

  • Very low toxicity
  • Highly effective
  • Broad spectrum copper spray that controls a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases
  • Effective disease control
Name of Crop and Disease: Product Measurement: Usage Description:
Tomatoes No information
  • Early and late blight, bacterial spot and septoria leaf spot
Potatoes 50 g product – 10 l water
  • Early and late blight preferably start applying before symptoms of disease are noticed
  • Ensure thorough wetting of both upper and lower leaf surfaces and repeat after rain
  • Apply every 7 – 10 days depending on weather which may favour the disease
Peaches, Apricots and Plums 40 g or 50 g product – 10 l water for bacterial canker, gum spot (on peaches and apricots), bacterial spot (on peaches); or

10 g or 50 g product – 10 l water for bacterial spot on plums; or

20 g product – 10 l water for post harvest treatment; or

40 g or 50 g product – 10 l water for 75 % leaf drop; or

10 g product – 10 l water for 90 – 100 % petal drop; or

50 g product – 10 l water for leaf curl on peaches

  • Apply once or twice at 50 % and / or 75 % leaf drop, depending on the severity of the disease the previous season and use higher concentration in autumn and lower concentration at bud movement if symptoms appear on shoots and buds (for bacterial canker, gum spot and bacterial spot).
  • Apply water at 1 – 2 week intervals depending on weather conditions. (for 90 – 100 % petal drop)
  • Apply a single application at bud movement (for leaf curl on peaches)
Apples and Pears 25 g product – 10 l water for scabs
  • Apply only on apples at green tip stage and on pears only at early to advanced green tip stage
Flowers and Ornamentals 50 g product – 10 l water for leafspot, downy mildew and rust
  • Ensure thorough coverage
  • Apply at 1 – 2 weekly intervals, depending on weather conditions
Grape vines 50 g product – 10 l water for anthracnose
  • First two applications when shoots are 5 – 10 cm and 25 cm long
  • Repeat 2 – 3 times at 3 weekly intervals
Bacterial Blight 50 g product – 10 l water for bacterial blight
  • First application when shoots are 5 – 10 cm long
  • Repeat 2 – 3 times at 3 weekly intervals
Downy Mildew 50 g product – 10 l water for pre-blossom
  • First application when shoots are 10 cm long
  • Repeat at 7 – 10 day intervals depending on weather conditions favouring the disease. Blossom to 80 % calyx fall. Apply only if blossoming period exceeds 14 days.
  • Post blossom. Apply two or more times at 1 – 2 week intervals depending on weather.
Dead Arm 40 g – 50 g product – 10l water for dead arm
  • A single application when shoots are 5 – 10 cm long
Roses 30 g product – 10 l water for black spot
  • Apply as full cover spray commencing as soon as first symptoms are noticed
  • Repeat weekly
  • Discontinue spraying when the weather turns dry
Strawberries 25 g product – 10 l water for leaf spot
  • Apply every 10 – 14 days depending on the severity of the disease
Beans 40 g product – 10 l water for bacterial blight
  • Apply at 1 or 2 weekly intervals depending on weather conditions which may favour the disease
Crucifers Bacterial Spot 40 g product – 10 l water for crucifers bacterial spot
  • Apply as a full cover spray at intervals of 1 – 2 weeks
Downy mildew 40 g product – 10 l water for downy mildew
  • This is mainly a seedling disease
  • Apply as a full cover spray at intervals of 1 – 2 weeks
Cucurbits Downy Mildew 30 g product – 10 l water for cucurbits downy mildew
  • Commence application at the first signs of the disease and continue as long as the weather favours the disease
  • Spray to ensure proper coverage of upper and lower leaf surfaces
Seedbed treatment (All crops) 25 g product – 10 l water for seedling blight and other soil borne diseases
  • Apply at 1.5 l mixture /m²

For more directions for the use of Virikop, please click here to download the PDF.


  • Allow the following number of days between last application and harvest:
    • Strawberries, Potatoes, Apricots, Apples, Pears, Peaches and Plums – 14 weeks
    • Beans, Tomatoes, Crucifers and Cucurbits – 3 weeks
    • Grapes – 4 to 6 weeks
  • Keep out of reach of children uninformed persons and animals
  • Store in a dry place, away from food and feed

Copper oxychloride 850 g/kg * Equivalent to 500 g/kg Copper metal