Rate of Application
- 60 ml / 5 l water / 100 m²
- Botanical name (Common name)
- Acanthospermum australe (Australian starbur)
- Acanthospermum hispidum (Upright starbur)
- Alternanthera pungens (Khakiweed)
- Arctotis venusta (Free State daisy)
- Argemone subfusiformis (Mexican Poppy)
- Cosmos bipinnatus (Cosmos)
- Bidens pilosa (Common Black jack)
- Brayulinea densa
- Chenopodium album (White goosefoot)
- Datura ferox (Large thorn apple)
- Datura stramonium (Thorn apple)
- Chamaesyce hirta (Red Euphorbia)
- Ipomoea purpurea (Morning glory)
- Medicago polymorpha (Bur clover)
- Oxalis corniculata (Creeping sorrel)
- Raphanus raphanistrum (Wild radish)
- Tagetes minuta (Tall Khakiweed)
- Taraxacum serotinum (Dandelion)
- Trifolium spp. (Clover)
- Xanthium spinosum (Spiny cockle bur)
- Xanthium strumarium (Large cockle bur)
- Note: A repeat application can be made after 14 days. Use on active growing weeds. Use only on the fairways in case of golf courses. For better results add Efekto G-49 Wetter according to label instructions.
For more directions for the use of Efekto Hormoban APM, please click here to download the PDF.