Common Efekto product frequently asked questions and answers

Find the solution you need to kick pests to the curb with Efekto, with our frequently asked questions.

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Our products can be found at all leading retailers, nurseries, co-ops and hardware stores. Navigate to our where to shop page to find a stockist nearest to you.

We do not sell directly to consumers, so we cannot provide you with a price for our products. However, you can find our products at most supermarkets or online. Navigate to our ‘Where to shop‘ page to find a stockist nearest to you.

When ordering products you will need to open an account with us. Please send a request to open an account to info@efekto.co.za. Our team will be ready to assist you.

Yes, you can use our products if you own pets. However, please make sure to read all safety precautions and follow directions carefully.

This white-silvery layer is caused by the fungus called ‘powdery mildew’. The best treatment would be to apply Efekto Funginex on the lowest leaves of the plant as the product is systemic and will only move up in the plant as it is absorbed.

Root rot can be easily identified by its dark appearance and slimy textured root system. As we see the plant above the root zone, you’ll first notice an overall unhealthy look about your plant. The leaves will then start wilting (appear soggy) and start developing dry, brown blotchy spots.

Root rot is a common waterborne disease that can seriously affect indoor and outdoor plants year-round. ‘Pythium’ is a generic term for several different root rot and stem rot fungus species (including Pythium, Verticillium, and Phytophthora, and Fusarium). Root rot is also known as ‘damping-off’ in seedlings. Control soil borne diseases with Efekto Virikop at 1.5 ℓ mixture per m2.

This is caused by the fungus called rust. Rust is regularly confused with Black Spot which also occurs commonly on roses.

Visit our Problem Solver page to ensure you identify the correct fungus and fight it off with our selection of products, ensuring a healthy plant.

Efekto Funginex is a systemic product that draws into the plant tissue, protecting it from the inside out.

Efekto Kumulus is a protective and curative fungicide with an added wetting agent. We are limited to how we package our products according to the registration requirements of Act 36 of 1947. It also depends on the composition and formulation of the product, as some products are not compatible in sachets.

You can use Efekto Virikop for the control of Blight. Pour 50 g Virikop in 10 l water, applied every 7 – 10 days. The withholding period will be 3 days from the last application to harvest.

Dandelions, clover and sorrel are probably the best examples of a broadleaf weed. The leaves are broader, as opposed to the narrower leaf of a grass plant.

Selective herbicides are used in lawn care or around nursery or garden plants once weeds emerge. A selective herbicide is used to kill weeds but does not kill the valuable plant.

Non-selective herbicides are the herbicide of choice for people who want to kill all vegetation in an area. These types of herbicides are generally used in building projects, near fences, driveways and within industrial complexes.

Unfortunately, no weed killer can be used in a vegetable garden. For the control of weeds, hand weeding is recommended.

You will not get a weedkiller that will only target one type of grass and not kill off the other. Buffalo grass is sensitive to 2,4 D, which is inside Efekto Turfweeder™ 457,5 SL.

Efekto Turfweeder™ 457,5 SL will be the best for broadleaf weeds overall use. If you need to control grasses that are in paved areas you can use Efekto Clear Up, this will control broadleaf weeds and grasses.

All our weedkillers are made for either lawns or paved areas.

Efekto Banweed MCPA will be the only solution to use on buffalo grass. Use fertilisers 2 to 3 weeks before the application of a weedkiller with Wonder Lawn and Leaf. Follow the precautions and directions on the label of the products.

Efekto Turfweeder™ 457,5 SL will control weeds in the lawn. Use 50 -70 ml water over an area greater than 100 square meters. The recommendation is to fertilise the lawn 2 to 3 weeks prior when applying a weedkiller with a high nitrogen fertiliser like Wonder Deep Green or Wonder Lawn and Leaf. Keep all pets and children off the area while applying, once the spray mixture has dried they can re-enter the area.

Contact insecticides generally control a pest as a result of direct contact. In practice, contact insecticides must be applied with good coverage of spray droplets in order to make contact with the target.

Systemically-acting insecticides are taken up by plants relatively quickly via the roots or above-ground parts and are then transported and re-distributed within the vascular system. They can also move between cells by diffusion.

Translaminar insecticides with only local systemic activity must arrive directly where the pest is located, or they must be distributed very evenly over the plant surfaces from which the pest is likely to take them up.

Each year from March-August, the Cypress Aphid infects conifers and the damage is only visible in spring. Use Efekto Plant Protector, Efekto Aphicide Plus or Efekto Insecticide Granules Plus.

Please keep all pets and children off the area while applying Efekto Karbaspray. Children and pets can re-enter the area once the spray mixture has dried completely.

Unfortunately, we do not have any registered Insecticide for herbs.

You can use Efekto Karbaspray or Efekto Garden Gun RTU to control Chafer beetles especially if they are eating the leaves as well. For direct spraying on the beetles, Efekto Garden Gun is advised.

Unfortunately, the product is not registered for lettuce. Efekto Eco Insect Control SC is registered for lettuce for the control of American Bollworm and Leaf miner. The withholding period from the last application to harvest is 7 days.

Efekto Karbaspray can be used — mix 15g in 10L water. Use a 10L spray mixture per 10 square meters. Commence spraying when pests are noticed.

For the control of caterpillars on spinach, we suggest you use Efekto Eco Insect Control SC.

Unfortunately, the product Efekto Garden Ripcord is only registered for outdoor use on vegetables, fruit trees and lawns. To control indoor insects, we suggest using Efekto Fendona 6 SC or Efekto No Insect Indoors SC to control most indoor insects.

Efekto Aphicide is designed purely for treating aphids and listed pests on edibles and garden plants (flowering plants, ornamental shrubs, trees, vegetable, fruit and fresh produce).

Efekto Aphicide Plus is for use in the home garden to control sucking insects, as indicated on the label, on conifers, roses and other garden plants.

The withholding period (WHP) is the period that must elapse between the last application of a pesticide and harvesting.

Yes, they are. The only difference is that they are formulated from natural sources.

Yes, they are. The product was designed to kill a specific pest. The only difference is that a natural pesticide is less persistent in the environment and it breaks down quicker.

Organic in scientific terms means a molecule that consists mainly of a carbon skeleton with other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and a few others as contributing building blocks. The majority of modern pesticide molecules are organic and fit in 100% with the scientific classification of organic.

Natural products are developed without mineral ingredients or additives.

The best solution would be to look out for any open areas where the rats could be entering and seal the areas. Using bait such as Efekto Eco Rat™ paired with an Efekto Eco Rat Bait Station will help eradicate the rats.

*Bait must be used with a bait station.

Single-dose anticoagulants are more toxic because they bind more tightly to the enzyme that makes blood clotting agents.

Multi-dose anticoagulants are not easily excreted from the body, and they can be stored in body fat.


This is caused by the fungus powdery mildew. The best would be to apply Efekto Funginex on the lowest leaves of the plant as the product is systemic and will only move up in the plant as it is absorbed.

Root rot can be easily identified by its dark appearance and slimy textured root system. As we see the plant above the root zone, you’ll first notice an overall unhealthy look about your plant. The leaves will then start wilting (appear soggy) and start developing dry, brown blotchy spots.

Root rot is a common waterborne disease that can seriously affect indoor and outdoor plants year-round. ‘Pythium’ is a generic term for several different root rot and stem rot fungus species (including Pythium, Verticillium, and Phytophthora, and Fusarium). Root rot is also known as ‘damping-off’ in seedlings. Control soil borne diseases with Efekto Virikop at 1.5 ℓ mixture per m2.

This is caused by the fungus called rust – the treatment would be Efekto Funginex.
Rust is regularly confused with Black Spot which also occurs commonly on roses.

Visit our Problem Solver page to ensure you identify the correct fungus and fight it off with our selection of products, ensuring a healthy plant.

Efekto Funginex is a systemic product that draws into the plant tissue, protecting it from the inside out.

Efekto Kumulus is a protective and curative fungicide with an added wetting agent. We are limited to how we package our products according to the registration requirements of Act 36 of 1947. It also depends on the composition and formulation of the product, as some products are not compatible in sachets.

You can use Efekto Virikop for the control of Blight. Pour 50 g Efekto Virikop in 10 l water, applied every 7 – 10 days. The withholding period will be 3 days from the last application to harvest.


The dandelions, clover and sorrel is probably the best example of a broadleaf weed. The leaves are broader, as opposed to the narrower leaf of a grass plant.

Selective herbicides are used in lawn care or around nursery or garden plants once weeds emerge. A selective herbicide is used to kill weeds but does not kill the valuable plant.

Non-selective herbicides are the herbicide of choice for people who want to kill all vegetation in an area. These types of herbicides are generally used in building projects, near fences, driveways and within industrial complexes.

Unfortunately, no weed killer can be used in a vegetable garden, for the control of weeds, hand weeding is recommended.

You will not get a weedkiller that will only target one type of grass and not kill off the other. Buffalo grass is sensitive to 2,4 D, which is inside Efekto Turfweeder™ 457,5 SL.

Efekto Turfweeder™ 457,5 SL will be the best for broadleaf weeds overall use. If you need to control grasses that are in paved areas you can use Efekto Clear Up, this will control broadleaf weeds and grasses.

All our weedkillers are made for either lawns or paved areas.

Efekto Banweed MCPA will be the only solution to use on buffalo grass. Use fertilisers 2 to 3 weeks before the application of a weedkiller with Wonder Lawn and Leaf. Follow the precautions and directions on the label of the products.

Efekto Turfweeder™ 457,5 SL will control weeds in the lawn. Use 50 -70 ml water over an area greater than 100 square meters. The recommendation is to fertilise the lawn 2 to 3 weeks prior when applying a weedkiller with a high nitrogen fertiliser like Wonder Deep Green or Wonder Lawn and Leaf. Keep all pets and children off the area while applying, once the spray mixture has dried they can re-enter the area.


Contact insecticides generally control a pest as a result of direct contact. In practice, contact insecticides must be applied with good coverage of spray droplets in order to make contact with the target.

Systemically-acting insecticides are taken up by plants relatively quickly via the roots or above-ground parts and are then transported and re-distributed within the vascular system. They can also move between cells by diffusion.

Translaminar insecticides with only local systemic activity must arrive directly where the pest is located, or they must be distributed very evenly over the plant surfaces from which the pest is likely to take them up.

Each year from March-August, the Cypress Aphid infects conifers and the damage is only visible in spring. Use Efekto Plant Protector, Efekto Aphicide Plus or Efekto Insecticide Granules Plus.

Please keep all pets and children off the area while applying Efekto Karbaspray. Children and pets can re-enter the area once the spray mixture has dried completely.

Unfortunately, we do not have any registered Insecticide for herbs.

You can use Efekto Karbaspray or Efekto Garden Gun RTU to control Chafer beetles especially if they are eating the leaves as well. For direct spraying on the beetles, Efekto Garden Gun is advised.

Unfortunately, the product is not registered for lettuce. Efekto Eco Insect Control SC is registered for lettuce for the control of American Bollworm and Leaf miner. The withholding period from the last application to harvest is 7 days.

Efekto Karbaspray can be used — mix 15g in 10L water. Use a 10L spray mixture per 10 square meters. Commence spraying when pests are noticed.

For the control of caterpillars on spinach, we suggest you use Efekto Eco Insect Control SC.

Unfortunately, the product Efekto Garden Ripcord is only registered for outdoor use on vegetables, fruit trees and lawns. To control indoor insects, we suggest using Efekto Fendona 6 SC or Efekto No Insect Indoors SC to control most indoor insects.

Efekto Aphicide is designed purely for treating aphids and listed pests on edibles and garden plants (flowering plants, ornamental shrubs, trees, vegetable, fruit and fresh produce).

Efekto Aphicide Plus is for use in the home garden to control sucking insects, as indicated on the label, on conifers, roses and other garden plants.


The withholding period (WHP) is the period that must elapse between the last application of a pesticide and harvesting.

Yes, they are. The only difference is that they are formulated from natural sources.

Yes, they are. The product was designed to kill a specific pest. The only difference is that a natural pesticide is less persistent in the environment and it breaks down quicker.

Organic in scientific terms means a molecule that consists mainly of a carbon skeleton with other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and a few others as contributing building blocks. The majority of modern pesticide molecules are organic and fit in 100% with the scientific classification of organic.

Natural products are developed without mineral ingredients or additives.


The best solution would be to look out for any open areas where the rats could be entering and seal the areas. Using bait such as Efekto Eco Rat™ paired with an Efekto Eco Rat Bait Station will help eradicate the rats.

*Bait must be used with a bait station.

Single-dose anticoagulants are more toxic because they bind more tightly to the enzyme that makes blood clotting agents.

Multi-dose anticoagulants are not easily excreted from the body, and they can be stored in body fat.

Yes, we do – view more information here.

A cockroach


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