Mosquitoes and other pests to expect in different weather conditions 

Can the weather really impact the way pests, like mosquitoes and cockroaches, behave? 

Our short answer is yes. 

Changes in the weather can attract different types of pests into your home and garden for various reasons, and it can make controlling a pest infestation especially difficult. 

Increased temperatures, precipitation and droughts cause invasions into our spaces. And since pests are influenced by seasons, it’s important to note their seasonal pest patterns. In this article, we will be talking about moisture and rainy weather, drought and dry weather and chilly cold weather. 

mosquito larvae growing in water

Pests that thrive in moisture

Storms, flooding, pipe leaks, and other rainy-day events all contribute to your home’s increased moisture levels. While this not only leads to issues such as mould and mildew growth, it can also cause pest infestations.

Below are five of the most common moisture-loving pests and how to get them out of your home or garden.

  • Cockroaches: Apply a spray mix of Efekto No Roach 25 SC to skirtings, walls, cupboards as well as all surfaces where insects are noticed.
  • Silverfish (fish moths): Apply a coarse spray of Efekto Fendona SC to cracks, crevices and any places where these insects may hide and on surfaces over which they may crawl.
  • Spiders: Spray Bio Kill® Classic on floors, walls and window frames or directly into joints, fixtures, cracks, crevices and particularly on places where spiders breed and dwell.
  • Mosquitoes: Apply No Insects Indoors SC as a coarse droplet spray or by means of a paintbrush to window sills and walls.
  • Dust mites: Wash your sheets, blankets, pillowcases and bed covers in hot water that is at least 54℃ to kill dust mites and remove allergens. 

You may also be interested in: Pest control: debugging room by room and Cockroach pest control 101: top tips and solutions.

Pests that thrive in your garden during droughts and dry weather

Even in droughts, there are pests that run wild in the garden. Here is your list of garden pests to keep an eye out for in the event of a drought and how to get rid of them. 

  • Grasshoppers: Spray a diluted mixture of Efekto Karbaspray on your lawns and apple and pear trees.
  • Red spider mites: Dilute and use Kumulus WG as a spray on plants with an infestation.
  • Aphids: Use Aphicide Plus as a drenching treatment so that the roots can absorb the active ingredients.
looking at a red spider mite sitting on a leaf in the garden

You may also be interested in: South African pest control 101: how to navigate spring pest control by province.

spider webs in the garden

Pests to look for a warm place during cold weather

Although it may seem like some pests seem to disappear during frosty temperature drops, others continue their activity through the colder months – even venturing inside your home in search of a warm spot to hunker down until Spring.

Listed below are four common pests that sneak inside your house during winter and how to get rid of them.

  • Spiders: Your best bet again is Bio Kill® Classic sprayed onto cracks and crevices.
  • Cockroaches: Place ready-to-use Zero Roach Bait stations around areas where a cockroach infestation is present.
  • Rats and Mice: Select suitable baiting points after having inspected the infested site and place Efekto Eco Rat with Bait Station in these areas.
  • Termites: ​​Use Bio Kill® EXTRA GT to kill termite workers or winged reproductive forms.

You may also be interested in Winter pests: a guide for in and around the home.

Find solutions for your pest infestations, year-round

Explore our collection of expert products for your home, garden and pet protection needs. When it comes to mosquitoes, flies, spiders, cockroaches and other pests, our team has worked incredibly hard to develop specialised formulas to clear your home of any uninvited guests.

a close up image of a dead cockroach

Ask our experts any questions regarding your home pest problems, garden pest issues and so much more. 

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